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Privacy statement
Ancla 1
Ancla 2

To keep and maintain your personal information and security is important for us, through this Privacy Statement (the “Statement”) we inform you the uses and treatment of the personal information we obtain from you, as it is required by the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (the “Law”) and its Ruling (the “Ruling”).

We recommend that before you provide us any information you read the Privacy Statement and the Terms and Conditions. Personal Information includes any information from an individual that identifies or allows to identify, or any other information that can determine the identity of a person. (“Data”).

When you provide your Data and express no opposition to its provision, you accept the Terms and Conditions, the use of them, and the procedures to exercise your Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition Rights in any moment contained in the Statement.

I. Responsible in charge

The Responsible in charge of the use of your Data is “Todd y Asociados, Sociedad Civil”, (“TyA”), having its domicile at Schiller # 316, Chapultepec Morales, Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11570, in Mexico, Federal District, phone number (52)- 55- 5203- 6333 and e-mail

II. Purposes

The Data provided by the Client will be used for the following purposes (the “Purposes”):

  • To carry out the legal services that have been hired with TyA.

  • To maintain updated the legal relationship between you and TyA.

  • To report changes in the services provided by TyA.

  • Provide information of TyA´s services, according to its Clients needs.

  • To establish communication with any person that requested any service or information.

  • Notifications and invitations in connection with conferences, seminars, legal events, national and international legal news as “newsletters”.

  • To send invitations to participate in TyA´s projects o any project that the Client could be interested in.

  • Publications, magazines and advertisements.

  • To prepare bills, invoices retainers of services and payments.

  • Internal purposes, including reports of every case and file.

  • Commercial purposes, including the delivery of information and newsletters.

  • As a security tool, for protection purposes.

  • To respond requests and questions.

  • To evaluate our services.

  • Notifications of any change in the Privacy Statement.

The rendering of legal services to our Clients creates a legal relationship among Clients and TyA, your personal Data will be requested in order to comply with the obligations arising from such relationship.


III. Personal Data requested:

TyA may request the folowing Data:

a) Identification:

  • Name.

  • Home address.

  • Date of birth.

  • Personal identity number (CURP).

  • Home phone number.

  • Mobile phone number.

  • Fax number.

  • E-mail address

b) Education:

  • Academic background.

  • University degree.

  • Professional ID number.

  • Specialization.

  • Certificates.

c) Employment:

  • Position title.

  • Work address.

  • E-mail adress.

  • Work phone.

  • Mobile phone number.

  • Fax number.

d) Billing:

  • Entity to which our legal fees will be billed.

  • Tax address.

  • Federal taxpayer identification number.

e) Financial:

  • Bank account information.

  • Payment method.

The Video Surveillance is performed as a security tool, for protection purposes. The Data will be obtained directly from the Client in its or our office, by phone or through the website

Holders may send their Data to the Responsible in charge, by phone, by e-mail or through the website to the e-mail address

IV. Transfers of Personal Data

TyA may transfer your personal Data to subsidiaries, affiliates or controller companies in national territory or abroad, suppliers, Client Care Managers and studies related to the rending of our services and products and also marketing agencies for billing purposes, quality assessment and to respond complaints and suggestions, market research and promotional campaigns, in the terms established by Law.

V. Data Base

The protection of your personal Data is guaranteed, TyA has taken the necessary security, administrative, technical and physical measures for protecting your personal Data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or processing.

VI. Rights of the Personal Data (ARCO)

The Client can excercise the Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Opposition and Revoke Rights of its consent for the processing of the personal Data, at any time, through the following procedure:


By sending a request to the address included in Section I of the Statement or through the e-mail address, Monday to Friday, business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. (Central time in Mexico City).


1. Once the Client filed the request, a special form “Exercise of ARCO Rights” will be send to his e-mail. This form must be completed, specifying which of the ARCO Rights is the one that is going to be exercised and also include the necessary information to start the procedure.

2. With the request and the completed form “Exercise of ARCO Rights”, presented personally or through a legal representative, the Client should also attach a copy of his official ID and the necessary documents to rectify the Data.


In case of exercising the Cancellation, Opposition and Revoke Rights, the Client must express exactly which information should be cancelled, opposed or revoked.


The Client must declare that the Data is true, accurate and complete, therefore the Client is responsible for any damages caused by misrepresentation or impersonation, including any legal action that may be caused.

3. The procedure to exercise any of the ARCO rights will be followed in the procedural stages, terms and conditions established in the Law and the Ruling.

VII. Changes to the Privacy Statement

TyA can modify, supplement or add information to this Privacy Statement at any time. Any amendment to this Statement will be notified to the Clients by e-mail and also in our website


VIII. Cookies and Web Beacons

In our Website,, we use Cookies and Web Beacons, so the site navigation is much more easier, to have access to different functions, areas and links and also recognition functions based on choices made earlier by the Client.


By recording the IP address of the Client, TyA can control the places in the world where the Client can access our Website, we can also analyze the traffic on our Website.
The IP address of the Client will not be used for identification or tracking. The Client may restrict or limit the use of Cookies or Web Beacons by changing the settings of the Internet browser.


IX. Links to other Websites

TyA, through the website may contain links to other Web sites that are not maintained or related to our brand, those links are provided as additional material for the Clients, without implying that are sponsored or affiliated with our website or our brand. TyA is not responsible for the content, security practices or privacy statements of other Websites, the Client assumes the responsibility of checking other websites.

Last update: July 1st, 2013.

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