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Dispute Resolution

We know that litigation is the last way to solve disputes. We offer dispute resolution and alternative methods of dispute resolutions within our services to anticipate conflict resolutions in this way. Part of the services we have in this area are:

__ Prevention and resolution of disputes: design of contentious-

     preventive legal audits, alternative means of dispute resolution
__ Collective actions
__ Administrative
__ Conflicts between shareholders
__ Responsibility of directors and officers
__ Commercial and civil Ordinaries
__ Executives and commercial competitions
__ Mortgage specials
__ Real estate lease
__ Consumer protection
__ Family
__ Amparo lawsuits
__ Tax litigation: revocation remedies (SAT), annulment

    proceedings, customs litigation, amparo proceedings, district

    courts, collegiate circuit courts, advice on public procurement

    projects related to the construction of pipelines and gas pipelines
__  Industrial property

Our Team

__ Fernando Todd Dip
__ Mariana Todd Dip
__ Jorge García Díaz

__ Silvia Alanís Gutiérrez

__ Ana Lilia Solano

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